Boxed Edible Crystal Geode Pieces


Looking for the perfect gift? Made from sugar crystals and delicious chocolate, these delicate geode pieces are perfect as a gift.

Equivalent to two whole geodes these pieces come boxed and also look great at parties, on dessert tables, and as a cool Christmas table present!

Available in a range of colours, they also make a wonderful addition to cakes and desserts.

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Looking for the perfect gift? Made from sugar crystals and delicious chocolate, these delicate geode pieces are perfect as a gift.

Equivalent to two whole geodes these pieces come boxed and also look great at parties, on dessert tables, and as a cool Christmas table present!

Available in a range of colours, they also make a wonderful addition to cakes and desserts.

Looking for the perfect gift? Made from sugar crystals and delicious chocolate, these delicate geode pieces are perfect as a gift.

Equivalent to two whole geodes these pieces come boxed and also look great at parties, on dessert tables, and as a cool Christmas table present!

Available in a range of colours, they also make a wonderful addition to cakes and desserts.

Allergy Information:

Ingredients are made in a factory that handles nuts & dairy. May contain E numbers that may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.

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